Hi, I’m Catie. glad You’re here!

👋🏼 Hi, I’m Catie, a.k.a Millennial Money Honey 💵 🍯. I live, work, and play in sunny California. 🌴☀️ My day job is a graphic designer and art director.
My personal finance journey began in 2017 when I didn’t buy new “stuff” for Q1 & Q3. That led me to save A LOT of money. With all that extra cash sitting in the bank 🏦, I learned more about basic investing and the magic 🔮of compound interest. Now I want to share that knowledge with you!
Currently, I’m a single woman on the path to a work-optional/FIRE (Financially Independent, Retire Early) life 🔥 by 35 with $1.5M. Follow and join me on this journey to financial freedom. Let’s get that bread 🍞, honeys!
Wanna talk money, Honey?
Fill out this form to get in contact with me.
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