My Spreadsheets
I made these charts to help me on my FI/RE journey and I hope they can help you too. 📊 Get your copy of these free spreadsheets and quarterly FI/RE updates and resources from Millennial Money Honey by subscribing to the newsletter below.
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Money Tracker

Track your expenses, savings, and income with basic category breakdowns. Keep tabs on your net worth and journey to FI/RE, complete with charts to visually see how you’re progressing.
Rebalancing Calculator

I started my investing journey with Wealthfront, then progressed to Target Date Index Funds, then learned to rebalance my index fund portfolio myself. This rebalancing calculator will tell you how much money to buy or sell to rebalance, add to rebalance, or if you only have a finite amount, how you should break it up. This spreadsheet uses data from Google Finance to track (somewhat) realtime prices of funds so you don’t have to constantly update the current prices.
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