February 2020 Savings Rate


Finally made a small, but positive move towards my yearly savings rate goal of 60%. Honestly anything is better than January’s savings rate of 0%.

Savings: $815

I continued to contribute to my Traditional IRA since that’s the only available tax advantaged account I have. Starting in April I should have access to an HSA and 401K again. As a FI member, I can’t tell you how excited I am about that!

401k: $0

HSA: $0

Traditional IRA: $750.00

Checking: $0

Emergency HYSA: $5.00

Travel HYSA: $30.00

Big Event HYSA: $30.00

Brokerage: $0

BFF Brokerage: $0

Income: $2,950.72

My income this month is mostly made up of my 2019 tax refund (see cash back category). Although I’m typically team owe, this year’s refund was really a blessing in disguise. 🙏 I have a lot of cash coming my way for hopefully the month of March. My outstanding design invoices total over $9,000. Fingers crossed 🤞 that everything will be paid by the end of March so I can hit my target savings rate of 60% for the year.

💰 Paycheck: $0

👕 Resale: $199.14

👩‍💻Freelance: $500.00

💵 Cashback: $2,012.56

📈Interest: $33.28

🎁 Gifts: $180

📈Dividends: $25.74

Expenses: $2,284.36

My expenses are still relatively high for me, but hopefully they’ll be going way down since I moved in the my parents. More on that later… My goal is to try to keep it under $2K for March.

🏡 House: $850.00

💡 Utilities: $54.67

🚕 Transportation: $55.47

🥦Groceries: $25.88

🍽 Food: $194.11

🍹Drinks: $27

🛍 Shopping: $19.97

💻 Work: $161.33

🎥 Entertainment: $213.73

✈️ Travel: $220.65

🚙 Car: $123.14

🏥 Health: $243.27

🎁 Gifts: $0

Misc.: $95.04

It’s been a bumpy start to 2020, but I’m still manifesting a 6 figure (pre-tax) year.

xo, Catie


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