A software engineer living in Toronto and FI/RE-ing in 25 years with $1.3M

Occupation: Dev-ops (software) engineer. I code and use diff platforms and automation technologies to get code deployed into the world.

Industry: Tech / telecommunications

Age: 25

Location: Toronto (north part of GTA)

Salary: $70k

FI/RE Number: $1.3M

Years Until FI/RE: At my current rate 25 years (when I’m 50) but hoping to speed it up!

Current financial situation: Living with family to save, DINK, no debt anymore (yay) but about to take on a mortgage.

Ethnicity: White

How did you first hear about FI/RE?

I think on YouTube, saw someone posting videos about retiring at 25 and thought it was nuts 🥜

Why do you want to reach Financial Independence/Retire Early?

Oof. Being work optional is huge! But also having more opportunities for slow travel and more giving and helping my family financially.

What does FI/RE mean to you?

Freedom and stability ✨ Wouldn’t work full time for sure. Probably would leave tech industry too.

How much do you spend per month? Save per month?

Spend around $1k now, save about $3k

What is your % savings rate?

60% before tax but only because I can live at home right now.

Are you doing anything to achieve FI/RE faster? If yes, what?

Living with parents, cutting spending, cheap vacations, tutoring, selling extended family stuff for a cut on marketplace.

Any advice you'd give to someone who has a similar FI/RE lifestyle as you, especially if it seemed hard or unattainable?

I’m still very new to this, but I would say just start! Investing a little is still investing.

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