March 2020 Savings Rate


Amidst the turmoil of the COVID-19 pandemic 🦠 we’re facing, I’m so grateful to be on this journey to financial freedom. My savings rate increased dramatically from February due to several factors, which I go into detail below. I think now more than ever, it’s apparent that in order to weather the test of unexpected emergencies 🚨, it’s vital to save, and invest, and plan financially for whatever may come.

In other pandemic revelations, I’ve also discovered the deep, deep black hole that is TikTok. Honestly, I feel like I need to step away from my 📱, lest I start creating them myself HAH. Anyway, here’s more deets on this month’s savings rate:

March Income: $6,705.21

I have to count my blessings because prior to the coronavirus situation, I took a 40 hr/wk contract for 1 year. I’ll admit, I had some reservations, but I’m so grateful to be gainfully employed during these times. The universe truly provides. 🙏✨ So far it seems promising that it’ll continue and they won’t just end the contract early.

Prior to March, I was 💯% freelance designing and it would have been EXTREMELY stressful to not have this job. Although I had some invoices paid this month, I still have about $5,000 outstanding, no small change! 🤞Crossing my fingers they get paid in April…

💰 Paycheck: $4,653.31

👕 Resale: $16

👩‍💻Freelance: $2,000

💵 Cash Back: $0

📈Interest: $28.84

🎁 Gifts: $0

📈Dividends: $7.36

March Expenses: $1,201.84

Since we’re all sheltering in place, I haven’t been going out for drinks 🍸 or brunch, I haven’t filled up my gas tank ⛽️ or traveled, and my $213/mo Equinox 💪 membership is on pause. Because of these atypical circumstances, my expenses are wayyyy down—about $1,000 less than last month.

I’m still paying rent for my LA spot for the next 3 months until my sister sublets my room. Fortunately, since I’m currently living with the rents I’m not paying double rent PLUS I also get meals here! (I still help cook and clean, but it’s a very lucky situation.)

🏡 House: $950.00

💡 Utilities: $249.95

🚕 Transportation: $0

🥦Groceries: $0

🍽 Food: $25.57

🍹Drinks: $0

💻 Work: $161.33

🎥 Entertainment: $0

✈️ Travel: $20

🚙 Car: $0

🏥 Health: $152.69

🛍 Shopping: $0

🎁 Gifts: $0

Misc.: $0

March Savings: $5,275.89

Since I boosted my income dramatically this month, I’ve been able to save and invest despite this recession we’re in. I maxed out my traditional IRA for 2020! 🎉 Contributing to a traditional IRA is an optimal strategy when achieving Financial Independence 🔥, but I didn’t realize a key 🔑 detail. I make too much.

Honestly, it’s a blessing 🙏of a problem to have, but it negates the effectiveness of contributing to a traditional IRA. I potentially should have just contributed directly to a Roth IRA. I’ll have more details on my oversight in a future post and I’ll update with a link here once I put it together.

Starting in April I should have access to a 401K. I’ve run a few calculations and I think I’ll be able to contribute 65% of my paycheck while still making enough to pay my living expenses. I potentially can stretch that to 70%, but I’m planning on putting 65% and then adjusting.

401k: $0

HSA: $0

IRA: $4,000

Emergency HYSA: $5.00

Travel HYSA: $30.00

Big Event HYSA: $30.00

Brokerage: $0

Checking: $1,408.37


I’m finally making progress on increasing my yearly savings rate. Since I’ve been cooped up inside these last 3 weeks, I think I’ve spent way too much time trying to optimize my savings. 😂Going to start watching that crazy Netflix docu-series, Tiger King. Hopefully, that will keep me occupied for a bit instead.

xo, Catie

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